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Chiaramonte Construction

General Contractor
Founded in
Privately Held
(202) 562-0027
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Washington, District of Columbia, United States
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About Chiaramonte Construction

Chiaramonte Construction Company is a dedicated general contractor that has established a niche in the construction industry, specifically focused on wall framing, drywall, ceilings, rough-carpentry, masonry, and concrete. The company specializes in the new construction and remodeling of commercial and government buildings within the District of Columbia, showcasing its commitment to serving a critical market segment in the area. Founded with the vision of delivering high-quality construction services, Chiaramonte Construction thrives on providing reliable and efficient solutions that meet the unique needs of its clients.

The scope of services provided by Chiaramonte Construction Company covers a broad spectrum of construction-related tasks. These include not only traditional framing and drywall work but also more specialized services such as rough-carpentry, including doors, frames, and hardware installation. In addition, the company is involved in masonry and concrete work that ensures durable and aesthetically pleasing structures. As a certified business enterprise (CBE), Chiaramonte Construction takes pride in its ability to comply with various government regulations while delivering exceptional service.

Understanding the complexities of construction management, the firm also offers general contracting and pre-construction planning services. This comprehensive approach allows Chiaramonte Construction to oversee projects from inception to completion, ensuring that clients receive consistent communication and top-notch service throughout the process. Their ability to adapt to the specific requirements of each project has earned the company a reputation for professionalism and punctuality among clients.

In summary, Chiaramonte Construction Company embodies a strong commitment to quality, reliability, and community-focused service in the District of Columbia. By enhancing commercial and government building projects, the company plays a significant role in both local development and sustainable construction practices, making it a trusted partner for clients seeking expert construction services in a competitive market.

Need to submit a Pay App to Chiaramonte Construction?

Payment applications generally include the application for payment form and a continuation sheet (which includes a schedule of values and change orders). Depending on the situation, you may also include backup documents like materials receipts and invoices, payroll wage reports, and lien waivers.

It's a lot to keep straight, and it's further complicated by most GCs requiring their own custom payment application forms, rather than standard AIA templates. Fortunately, Siteline has more than 8,000 forms from over 6,000 GCs—in our system. Our software streamlines the entire monthly billing workflow, ensuring you submit the perfect pay apps on time, every time, which gets your invoices paid about three weeks faster.Want to see for yourself?

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All of Chiaramonte Construction's locations

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Replace the spreadsheets and runarounds with Siteline, and see your invoice aging improve by at least 30%.
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