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Billing and Cash Flow Forecasting Software

Gain visibility into your cash flow and backlog with visual forecasting.

Trusted by trade contractors across the country

Visualize the future

Visualize the future

Run lighting-fast billing and cash forecasts to understand holistically where you’re at with outstanding backlog and long-term cash positions.

Get more data out of PMs

Billing projections have long been a spreadsheet time-suck or worse, a pipe dream. Not anymore! With Siteline, PMs can quickly run visual and shareable projections.
Unlock cash flow intelligence

Unlock cash flow intelligence

Siteline leverages historically siloed data from the entire billing workflow to run cash flow forecasts, enabling new levels of visibility.
“Siteline’s forecasting has improved our visibility into cash flow on a longer trajectory. This improved visibility allows us to identify when a potential slow-down in revenue is on the horizon and allows us to adjust margins to keep cash flow consistent.”
“Siteline’s forecasting has improved our visibility into cash flow on a longer trajectory. This improved visibility allows us to identify when a potential slow-down in revenue is on the horizon and allows us to adjust margins to keep cash flow consistent.”

Billing and Cash Flow Forecasting for Subcontractors

Visualize the future state of your cash positions and backlog.

Visualize your curves

Forecast your billing for a project along a front-loaded bell, standard bell, or flat curve. Revise projections as the project progresses. Siteline will automatically flag if the billing amount projected no longer matches the outstanding amount on your contract and suggest adjustments.

Visualize your curves
Identify dips in backlog

Identify dips in backlog

View projections across all projects to see where backlog dips, so you can proactively and strategically bid for work and plan resources.

Understand when you’ll get paid

Analyzing project and client data, Siteline automatically suggests project payment dates and shows forecasted cash due by week across all jobs.

Get deeper insights into cash flow

Get deeper insights into cash flow

Siteline will automatically flag if a project is a joint-check job, so you understand what’s coming in that’s cash you can keep vs. pay out. We’ll also flag if the amount of outstanding owed to your vendors’ based on conditional lien waivers exceeds the forecasted cash, so you can better manage vendor relationships and accounts payable.

Types of Billing Supported

Submit all types of bills to your client. Siteline can handle whatever billing your construction contract requires.

Lump Sum

Unit Price

Time & Materials

One-Off Invoices

“I love the Billing Forecast Report; it’s extremely easy to use. We can see for the year what months are going to be slow and bid accordingly.”
Beaty Masonry
“I love the Billing Forecast Report; it’s extremely easy to use. We can see for the year what months are going to be slow and bid accordingly.”

Ready to visualize your A/R like never before?

Replace the spreadsheets and runarounds with Siteline, and reduce your invoice aging by at least 30%.
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